Survey Level:
Big-Picture Understanding

'The 30,000-Foot View'

Foundational Financial Acumen

Financial acumen is the ability to understand and interpret financial data, make informed decisions based on that information, and manage resources to support the financial health of an organization. It includes skills in reading financial statements, analyzing key metrics, and ensuring that decisions contribute to profitability and stability.

Who Needs a Big Picture Understanding?

Everyone makes decisions. Everyone needs to understand how their choices impact results.
  • Everyone in the Company

Every employee should understand how their everyday decisions impact the company's financial results. They need to buy into Finance Department priorities; and they need to understand how their activities impact the ability of other departments to operate well.

Key Components of Financial Acumen

Basic Financial Statements

Understanding the Income Statement and Balance Sheet is foundational for interpreting a company’s financial health.

Cash vs. Profit

Recognizing the difference between cash flow and profit helps in managing both day-to-day operations and long-term sustainability.

Cost Structure

Knowing a company’s cost structure (fixed vs. variable costs) is essential for pricing, profit margins, and efficiency.

Competitive Market

Understanding the financial implications of the competitive landscape helps in strategic decision-making and positioning.

Key Financial Ratios

Metrics like Return on Sales or Return on Assets reveal profitability and operational efficiency, providing insights for improving financial performance.

KPIs Used in Your Organization

Familiarity with the Key Performance Indicators (KPIs) relevant to your company ensures alignment with its specific financial goals and priorities.

Income|Outcome® Solutions for Understanding the Big Picture

Short programs with high engagement. Participants learn to understand financial statements, key metrics, and the overall impact of their decisions on the financial health of the company.

  • Better Business Decisions

    4 - 6 hours
    Online OR In-Person

    This workshop helps participants develop a big-picture understanding of finance. In an interactive simulation, employees learn how their everyday decisions impact the bottom-line results. The workshop enhances skills in team-building, communication, strategic thinking, and empathy, providing participants with the tools to make better business decisions.

    Learn More
  • Finance for Everyone

    8 hours
    In-Person Only

    A comprehensive one-day workshop that introduces formal finance tools, including budgets and cash flow forecasts. This takes the awareness of financial results as shown in the P&L and Balance Sheet, and moves it into planning for the future. Includes formal planning and analysis tools such as Budgeting, Cash Flow Forecasts, and Unit Cost Analysis.

    Learn More

Get the Big Picture

Building financial acumen is key to ensuring your team understands how their actions impact the company's success. These workshops lay the groundwork for clear, informed decision-making that supports your organization’s goals.

Ready to build a solid financial foundation?
Contact Us to find the right workshop for your team.

What is Business Acumen?

"Business acumen is… a good understanding of how all the pieces of a business fit together to produce a coherent set of actions and a financial result."
Gordon Allison, CFO
World Vision Australia
Business acumen as the ability to see the big picture, make better decisions, and drive business success through financial understanding.