Better Business Decisions
Duration: 4-6 hours
Format: In-person & Online
Finance is the Language of Business—help your team grasp the essentials for confident, everyday decisions.

Key Learning Objectives
This simulation introduces participants to foundational financial concepts and practical decision-making skills. It emphasizes managing costs, improving working capital, and understanding how everyday actions impact business performance.
Outcomes for Your Organization
With a focus on collaboration and financial fluency, this workshop ensures that teams across departments align their decisions with business objectives. Your organization gains from more cohesive and results-driven teams.
Ready to Bring These Results to Your Organization?
Experiential Learning

Income|Outcome Aha! Learning
The Lightbulb Turns On
“I Didn’t Need a New Truck. I Needed Less Inventory.”
(A conversation with a local electrician, one year after he attended a 1-day Income|Outcome workshop.)
“It did make a difference. I was trying to figure out whether I should be getting a new truck or not. I closed my eyes so I could imagine the board and moved the chips around — like I was buying a truck. Then I moved the chips around like I wasn’t buying a truck.
“I kind of looked at it all, and you know what I figured? I didn’t actually need a new truck, but I had way too much money tied up in supplies, parts, and equipment.”
“What did you decide to do?”
“I decided to reduce the inventory and think about it again in six months.”
He didn’t just see the chips — he saw the bigger financial picture.

Getting the Big Picture
In just 4-6 hours, your team will dive into the essentials of business acumen. But don't be fooled by the brevity—Better Business Decisions is a dynamic, hands-on experience that shows how all parts of a business come together to generate value.
Teams run a simulated business, making decisions around production, marketing, and finance—without the high stakes of real-world operations. Whether new to business acumen or just in need of a refresher, participants will see firsthand how their decisions impact the company's financial results.

What to Expect
This is not your typical finance training—it’s a serious game. Participants work in teams, making decisions around production, marketing, and finance, and then see how those choices affect their company’s performance. By the end of the workshop, they’ll have a clearer understanding of how businesses operate and how their role fits into the bigger picture. Because finance training isn’t just about numbers—it’s about understanding the story those numbers tell.

This simulation is customizable to reflect your industry and business challenges. Whether your focus is sales, operations, R&D, or leadership, we tailor discussions and game mechanics to make the learning relevant to your team.
What real-world issues will you handle differently after this program.
"Marketing and pricing, now have much better understanding of big picture and how finance works at K12."

How will this program affect your relationship with others?
"In the program the teams were sorta in a pricing war. I can see why this may not be a good situation to get into and instead follow a strategy on cost allocation & securing a market."