a tale of
AHA! LEArning
Income|Outcome Aha! Moments
Case Studies in Learning
“I Didn’t Need a New Truck. I Needed Less Inventory.”
(A conversation with a local electrician, one year after he attended a 1-day Income|Outcome workshop.)
“It did make a difference. I was trying to figure out whether I should be getting a new truck or not. I closed my eyes so I could imagine the board and moved the chips around — like I was buying a truck. Then I moved the chips around like I wasn’t buying a truck.
“I kind of looked at it all, and you know what I figured? I didn’t actually need a new truck, but I had way too much money tied up in supplies, parts, and equipment.”
“What did you decide to do?”
“I decided to reduce the inventory and think about it again in six months.”
He didn’t just see the chips — he saw the bigger financial picture.