Game Transfer Phenomenon

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I recently read an article about game transfer phenomenon (GTP)—the idea that people merge subjective realities and take game-related actions in real life.
The author began by describing how they instinctively used Mario Kart reflexes to avoid a real-world collision. This made me wonder:
- If people apply insights from our training to real-world business decisions, is this also Game Transfer Phenomenon?
- If so, is GTP a realistic and desirable goal for business acumen training?
Applying Business Simulations to Real-World Decisions
We’ve seen numerous examples where participants internalize business acumen lessons from our Income|Outcome® simulations and apply them instinctively in real situations.
Here are three:
1. From Simulation to Cost Savings
- Years ago, a senior executive from a credit reporting company attended a business simulation workshop.
- The next morning, he told us he had changed hotels—opting for one that saved him $100 per night.
- Why? He had been replaying the simulation in his head and realized that saving $100 in expenses meant $100 more in profit. He actually visualized the impact using the game board framework!
2️. Avoiding an Inventory Crisis
- A manager for a major automotive supplier once attended our workshop.
- Soon after, one of their largest auto clients went on strike.
- Instead of continuing normal production, the manager had a spontaneous "game board vision" of how inventory would pile up, sales would stop, and cash flow would run out.
- He immediately changed operations to avoid a financial crisis.
3️. From “I Hate Budgets” to a Strategic Tool
- At the beginning of a Finance for Managers workshop for social entrepreneurs in Kenya, one participant said:
“I hate budgets.” - By the end of the two-day session, she admitted:
“Eliza was wrong. She said I would still hate budgets — but now I love them!” - What was once a burden became an essential planning tool.
Game Transfer Phenomenon in Business Acumen Training
In each of these cases, the participants merged the business simulation reality with their real-world reality—and changed their responses accordingly.
This is Game Transfer Phenomenon in action, and it is inherent in Income|Outcome® simulations.
It’s also a form of stealth learning—where participants don’t even realize they’re learning until they instinctively apply it in real life.
Is GTP a Desirable Goal for Business Acumen Training?
By immersing participants in realistic business scenarios, we help them build mental models that stick with them beyond the workshop. When faced with similar challenges in real life, they don’t just remember the lesson—they act on it instinctively.
Want to See Game Transfer Phenomenon in Action?
If you're looking for business acumen training that actually changes how people think and act, we're here to help.
Contact us today to explore how Income|Outcome® simulations drive experiential, instinctive learning.