ASTD 2013: Doing is Believing - Collaboration (another of the great business competencies)

ASTD 2013:  Doing is Believing - Collaboration (another of the great business competencies)

Published Date

May 18, 2013

Doing is Believing! Get Your D.I.B.s Here!

It’s unlikely that anyone would disagree that a collaborative environment is more productive than a non-collaborative one.

So how do you get D.I.B.s on Collaboration?

Is collaboration one of those business competencies that naturally happens, or can it be enabled?

We’ve all experienced moments when a team comes together, and magic happens:
✔ People work seamlessly
✔ They support each other
✔ They operate in harmony
✔ They achieve amazing results

And then, there are those other times

A group that’s supposed to be working toward the same goal somehow works against each other instead. When it’s really bad, their main focus seems to be derailing each other rather than moving forward.

As a team manager, you may feel more like a kindergarten teacher than the leader of a high-performance team.

So how can you foster—or better yet, be the master enabler of—a culture of collaboration?

Understanding Differences = Building Collaboration

People are different.

That seems obvious, but too often, we don’t account for the different needs, wants, goals, desires, and values that people bring to the table.

Recognizing and understanding these differences can lead to productive relationships, not just in teams, but in countless areas:

  • Salespeople and clients
  • Employees and managers
  • Negotiating a better seat on an airplane!

The possibilities are endless.

A Proven Way to Foster Collaboration

We have a proven methodology to help people connect and collaborate in a simple, memorable, and highly effective way—specifically tailored to business settings.

Whether two people are just alike or polar opposites, there’s a way to work together for maximum potential. And it’s easy to implement and master once you know how.

We’ve done this for countless clients over many years, and we can do it for you, too.

Want to Get D.I.B.s on Collaboration? Let’s Talk!

📍 Visit us at ASTD 2013—Booth 245!

We’d love to help you “get D.I.B.s on Collaboration” and can’t wait to show you how.

Or, contact us today to bring collaboration-building training to your organization.

Guest Blog Writer: Becky Tise, Transform People International