Income/Outcome Contextuary

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One of the tasks keeping us busy this year has been publishing the Contextuary in a print format.
We are also in development with a new online version of the visual finance glossary.
The complex coding makes for a simple process—I don’t have to worry about whether the word list is ‘complete’ since I always have the option of adding new terms.
Going to press required me to:
- Check and re-check the main list of terms
- Cross-reference and consolidate entries (e.g., Profitability is referenced to Return on Sales, which is the main listing and carries the illustration)
- Check and re-check again—just to be sure
No complaints yet, but I am ready to start compiling the list of terms we might have missed!
Now it’s done, and we are very happy with the result.
We are including it in our business simulation course materials, with the hope that the visual graphic will:
- Refresh the experience of the game
- Reinforce the learning from the simulation
The first group to receive it was the MSP Revolution workshop, and they were more than enthusiastic.
(Asking for extra copies is always a good sign—one person wanted a copy for his wife, a bookkeeper, saying it would make her job easier and "certainly more colorful.")

The cover is not actually a glossary entry, but it shows the strength of our visual representation of financial results—clearly:
- Separating the Balance Sheet (on the left)
- Separating the Income Statement (on the right)
- Maintaining the connection between them
The next project:
- Get the foreign language translations completed
- Incorporate them into the online version