Positive Feedback From our Kennesaw Simulation

Positive Feedback From our Kennesaw Simulation

eliza hl

Published Date

November 14, 2007

One of the exciting things we’ve been doing more of lately is working with business students at several institutions, helping to “create the sponge” ready to absorb finance and business concepts. The energy and innovation of the students is rewarding for us and we recently got some great feedback from a former student participant who has moved on in his career and recently helped us coach a session:

Dear Eliza,It was great to meet you at Kennesaw MBA residency program at Ridges. I just wanted to write you note on how much I appreciate your Income/Outcome board game.
I played this game as a student two years ago and I played again two weeks ago as a team coach to new set of students. I thoroughly enjoyed theIncome/Outcome game.
This board game is a very cool idea. This game ingrains the hard to understand accounting concepts very easily to anyone. The concept of manufacturing Royals with tangible raw materials, factory, workers, money, market, bidding process, etc. gives the feeling of running a real company in the real world. It is worth every penny to play this game the whole day for anyone interested in accounting, especially for MBA students.
Good luck with your future endeavors.
(Coach for the team “The Rat Pack”, Coles College of Business, Kennesaw State University) Jay Jayasimha, Director of Engineering

Thanks Jay! We thrive on the positive feedback :)