Income|Outcome® is where learners become entrepreneurial executives, teams become corporate giants, and the classroom becomes an entire industry.

robin-color-144x150Hi, I’m Robin Helweg-Larsen Co-Founder of Andromeda Simulations.  Fill out the form to the right to speak with one of our Income/Outcome Experts.

We love what we do and look forward to sharing our expertise to help you achieve your training goals.  Please let us know how you’d like to be contacted and a bit about yourself.  One of our business simulation experts will be in touch within 48 hours to explore your options and help you find the best solution for your needs.

Fill out the form and save time and effort by speaking directly with an expert in the field.

  • Learn about business acumen simulations–what they can do and why you should use them.
  • Receive more information on the Income/Outcome family of simulations.
  • Arrange a demo or an on-site visit.

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    One of our business simulation experts will be in touch within 48 hours.

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