a tale of
AHA! LEArning
Income|Outcome Aha! Moments
Case Studies in Learning
Breaking Down Silos
The Income|Outcome facilitator was presenting the "it is important to get good and timely numbers in the budget process" speech. One of the participants in the classroom was the budget officer for a thermoplastics company; he gave his animated support of this message. VERY animated support, in his experience sales people were not quick to request the sales targets he requested.
Later, when teams were asked to provide target numbers, his response was "I can't give you a number because we don't know for sure which customers we are going to win....oh." He then stood up and told all of the salespeople in the room that he now understood their world better, but that they still had to get him good numbers, and on time!
(Silver lining- his team nailed their budget.)
→ Income|Outcome improves inter-departmental respect!