a tale of
AHA! LEArning
Income|Outcome Aha! Moments
Case Studies in Learning
“Are You Guys Crazy?!”
Salespeople learn the real impact of bending the rules.
An Ag-chemical company ran workshops for their salespeople — those selling to mom-and-pop feed stores. As part of the learning experience, they invited a typical customer into the room.
Whenever the salespeople suggested 'bending' the rules — particularly around delivery periods — the facilitator deferred to the customer.
The customer didn’t hold back: “Are you guys crazy?! Do you know what happens to me if you change things around? Do you know what happens if I don’t get my order this month?”
Insight in Action:
Salespeople saw firsthand how promises made to customers connect to the realities of order fulfillment — and the consequences of getting it wrong.