a tale of
AHA! LEArning

Income|Outcome Aha! Moments

Case Studies in Learning

“Now I Get It. No One Was Lying.”

At a pilot workshop for Michelin, an hourly employee stayed behind to speak with the facilitator.

He said: “They tell us there’s no money for raises or bonuses. But last week they announced they’ve got hundreds of millions of dollars to build a brand new facility. I used to think, 'Someone’s got to be lying'. That was before the game.

(In that simulation teams started out with a product that cost 6 to build and sold it for 14. However they still lost money because of all the other expenses. But by going from one production shift to three, without increasing the other overheads, they tripled their sales and became profitable.)

The employee paused and said: “Now I get it. No one was lying. I get it.

What Changed?

Understanding financial realities builds trust in management decisions.

More Tales of Aha! Learning

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