Boost Financial Literacy& Business Acumen

Discover How To Transform 'Dry' Programs Into Your Most Valuable—and Best-Loved—Offerings.

A business acumen training workshop where participants learn strategic thinking and financial decision-making using the Income|Outcome simulationIncome|Outcome is a hands-on business simulation for improving financial literacy, decision-making, and strategy skills.

Why Use Simulations for Boosting Business Acumen?

Games and simulations offer interactive and immersive ways to simplify the complexities of running a business. They create an engaging environment where learners can practice financial management, strategic decision-making, and team collaboration—without risk. A hands-on approach makes learning more accessible and helps participants retain insights long after the game ends.

For over 30 years, we’ve been at the forefront of designing business acumen simulations, offering companies  innovative tools and training programs that drive measurable results.

Why Income|Outcome®?

Income|Outcome Offers Fun, Rapid Learning


We turn challenging subjects into interactive, captivating experiences that keep everyone involved and having fun.

Rapid Learning

Learners dive into financial concepts and emerge with clarity, armed with business understanding and insights.

Universal Skills Development

Income|Outcome helps people build essential skills like collaboration, communication, and creative problem-solving—all while they are having a blast!

Dynamic Learning Environment

Each team manages their own company, turning the classroom into a competitive industry. Here, decisions drive results, and it’s never the same game twice!

Safe Experimentation

Income|Outcome offers a unique opportunity for learners to experiment, make decisions, and learn from their mistakes—all without real-world repercussions. Our simulation lets learners see the outcomes of their decisions in a risk-free environment, fostering deeper learning.

Tailored Learning

Income|Outcome stands out by directly connecting learning to your organization's specific concerns. Our approach ensures that the lessons learned are immediately relevant and impactful.

Why Simulations Work: Good decisions come from experience. Experience comes from bad decisions.

Business Acumen Basics

Making Sense of Financial Statements

Income|Outcome provides a unique, immersive learning experience that transforms complex financial concepts into practical, understandable insights.  (And it happens to be a lot of fun!)

Better Business Acumen
→ Better Business Results

Fresh Insights, Aged to Perfection

How Beam Suntory Distilled $2.1 Million in Extra Profits

As part of Beam Suntory’s tailored Finance & Strategy workshops, employees gained practical tools to improve commercial acumen — and the impact was immediate.

During one workshop, an Account Executive realized they were lowering prices more than necessary in the simulation. That got them thinking: Was this happening in the real world too?

Back at their office, the Account Executive reviewed their pricing strategy and discovered they could reduce discounts by $700,000 per year — without affecting sales volume.

The change was significant:

  • The extra revenue, having no additional costs, went straight to the bottom line.
  • And the impact will continue for years to come. Over the first three years, that’s an additional $2.1 million in profit

What Happened Here?

Insight: The Account Executive connected pricing decisions to profitability during the workshop.

Action: They reduced unnecessary discounts, increasing revenue without losing sales.


  • $700K in additional annual revenue. That's $2.1M in extra profit over three years.
  • A better business decision with long-term impact.

→ Increased Profit is a Better Business Result!  Income|Outcome is a profitable investment (it more than pays for itself!).

The Program

This was a 2-day Finance & Strategy program, tailored to include some dynamics specific to the beverage industry. Over a 2-year period, the program was rolled out to over 500 people in the Americas and Europe. We partnered with Percept Research to conduct pre- and post-workshop surveys measuring the impact. Six weeks after the workshop, participants reported significant improvements in their business acumen, with noticeable gains in decision-making, alignment with company goals, and understanding of financial health.

Today Beam Suntory continues to build commercial acumen using the Income|Outcome business simulation.

Download the Beam Case Study

Finish the Tale!
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Building Business Savvy: White paper focuses on practical tools to boost business acumen across organization.

Building Business Savvy:
Choosing the Best Simulation for Business Acumen Training

Discover the keys to selecting the ideal business simulation for your organization. Download our white paper for expert insights on building business acumen that drives real results.

Download Whitepaper
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A group of participants gathered around the Income|Outcome game board, making decisions and discussing strategy during a business simulation workshop.

The Impact of Income|Outcome Business Acumen Training

Introducing business acumen training across your organization leads to multiple benefits:

Breaking Down Silos

Increased interdepartmental support, especially for the finance department. More respect for other departments and higher morale.

Speaking a Common Language

Finance is the language of business, and a common language across the organization leads to improved speed and accuracy of communication (which means easier and shorter team meetings!)

Improved Financial Performance

A deeper understanding of business operations leads to smarter financial decisions and outcomes.

(Income|Outcome Business Simulation → Better Business Results!)

Ready to see the impact in your organization?

Get in Touch to discuss how Income|Outcome can deliver better business results for your team. Or, if you’d like to explore our philosophy further, learn more about how we think about business acumen.

Visual Finance is the Income|Outcome Difference

Visual Finance is the highlight of the Income|Outcome workshop, connecting classroom learning to your company’s immediate priorities and concerns.

Close-up of a team playing the Income|Outcome business simulation, focused on the game board while reviewing financial statements.Novo Nordisk Visual Finance story illustrating financial performance in the healthcare sector, with a focus on research investment and long-term planning.

Visual Finance Makes the Learning STICK!

The Income|Outcome workshop turns finance from intimidating to irresistible. Visual Finance transforms dull financial statements into colorful, easy-to-read ‘maps’ that unlock hidden stories about cost structures, cash flow, and profits. Add the thrill of competition, and the simulation becomes a journey of discovery—building insights and skills that last.

Stealth Learning is the OTHER Income|Outcome difference.

Traditional Learning moves at a snails pace.
Participants are so immersed in the Income|Outcome simulation that they don’t realize how much financial acumen they are building through stealth learning.
Participants can (and do!) doze off during a traditional finance presentation, and passive learning often fails to capture attention.
Stealth learning in action: workshop participants focus on winning the game while unknowingly mastering financial concepts and business decision-making.
How do people engage when a traditional learning approach is not engaging? Making paper airplanes is one possbility.
Participants deeply engage in the Income|Outcome simulation, unaware they’re building financial acumen through stealth learning and hands-on gameplay.

Stealth Learning is about sparking those Aha! moments that give the deeper understanding that sticks with learners long after the game is over.

Income|Outcome Aha! Learning

The Lightbulb Turns On

Breaking Down Silos

The Income|Outcome facilitator was presenting the "it is important to get good and timely numbers in the budget process" speech. One of the participants in the classroom was the budget officer for a thermoplastics company; he gave his animated support of this message. VERY animated support, in his experience sales people were not quick to request the sales targets he requested.

Later, when teams were asked to provide target numbers, his response was "I can't give you a number because we don't know for sure which customers we are going to win....oh." He then stood up and told all of the salespeople in the room that he now understood their world better, but that they still had to get him good numbers, and on time!

(Silver lining- his team nailed their budget.)

→ Income|Outcome improves inter-departmental respect!

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Tailored Solutions for Every Need

Whether you're a corporation looking to sharpen team skills, an academic institution aiming to offer practical knowledge, or a government entity seeking efficiency, Andromeda has a solution for you. We have a range of business acumen games and simulations that are designed to improve financial results via diverse learning objectives and environments.

Ready to Up Your Business Acumen Game?

Join the ranks of successful organizations that have made financial literacy and business acumen a cornerstone of their development strategy. Contact us today to discover how we can help you achieve your goals

What is Business Acumen?

"Business Acumen is the learned ability applied constantly in business to focus on what is important and manage the drivers of business success, which results in improved business performance and measurable outcomes.‍"
Barry Johnson, Chartered Accountant
Income|Outcome Australia
Business acumen as the ability to see the big picture, make better decisions, and drive business success through financial understanding.