Visual Finance: Subitizing - 'seeing' amounts without counting

Visual Finance: Subitizing - 'seeing' amounts without counting

Robin Helweg-Larsen

Published Date

May 26, 2011

Business Visualization: Seeing Numbers Without Counting

Business visualization taps into our ability to "see" numbers without counting.

The simplest demonstration of this is how quickly we can identify the number of objects in a small group. Up to four, five, or six items, we can subitize—that is, we recognize the quantity at a glance. Beyond that, we have to count, which slows us down.

You can try this for yourself on the BBC site: "Can you count faster than a chimp?"

At Andromeda Simulations, we're very proud of the financial visualization built into our Income/Outcome workshops and Visual Fiinance. By presenting financial information as colored stacks instead of columns of numbers, fundamental issues like key ratios and strategic positioning become immediately visible. Important items naturally prioritize themselves.

Counting and calculating are slow, intellectual, and cumbersome. It’s worth remembering that we have the ability to understand complex information at a glance. Visual Finance lets you use that ability to look at financial results.

Update February 2025:

The original 'Can you count faster than a chimp' is no longer accessible as it requires a flash plug in. Here are some other possibilities

  • Human Benchmark's Chimp Test: This online test challenges you to remember and select numbers in ascending order, similar to the tasks performed by chimpanzees in memory studies. The test increases in difficulty as you progress, providing a way to gauge your working memory.
  • Chimp Test on TinyTap: Inspired by the Ai Project, where a chimp named Ayumu outperformed adult humans in short-term memory tests, this game offers an interactive experience to test your memory skills.
  • Chimp Memory Test App: Available on the Google Play Store, this app allows you to test your memory against that of a chimpanzee through various challenging exercises.

Additionally, for a visual demonstration of a chimpanzee's impressive memory skills, you might find this video insightful:

These resources provide engaging ways to explore and compare cognitive abilities between humans and chimpanzees without relying on outdated technology.