What Type of Year Was it for Your Company’s Training Programs?

What Type of Year Was it for Your Company’s Training Programs?

Robin Helweg-Larsen

Published Date

December 23, 2011

Reflecting on the Past Year: Is Your Training Producing Results?

As the new year approaches, we naturally reflect on the triumphs and failures of the past twelve months.

Magazines and newspapers are filled with "Top Ten Best and Worst" lists. Political analysts compile missteps and after-the-fact insights. And from our habit of making New Year's Resolutions, it’s clear that individuals do their own internal list-making, often focusing on what went wrong.

Businesses should do the same—assessing successes and failures to avoid repeating the same mistakes in the coming year.

Breaking the Cycle of Ineffective Training

Einstein is often credited with saying:

"Insanity is doing the same thing over and over again but expecting different results."

If your training programs aren’t producing measurable improvements, now is the time for an internal assessment. A business that is losing ground or simply treading water can’t afford to rely on the same ineffective methods year after year.

What Type of Year Was It for Your Training Programs?

We’re willing to bet that your most successful training sessions involved:

  • Experiential learning
  • Teams actively engaged in hands-on decision-making
  • A thought-provoking, competitive environment

Contrast that with training where participants were passive, simply listening to lectures or clicking through slides.

Why Experiential Learning Works

At Income|Outcome, we’ve been running business simulation workshops since 1996. We’ve seen firsthand:

  • How even the most finance-phobic participants can enjoy learning financial concepts when they are part of a team making real-time business decisions.
  • How much employees can learn and retain—even in a short half-day program.

Let’s Talk

We’d love to share our enthusiasm for experiential business training and help you find the right program for your company.

Contact us today to explore engaging, results-driven business acumen training for your team.