After an Income|Outcome workshop, a Purdue EMBA student had a game-changing insight for his pharmaceutical company.
The manufacturing team frequently used an expensive, oversized test tube. The student realized that with minimal retooling, they could switch to a smaller, cheaper alternative.
He quickly ran the numbers and identified potential savings? $4 million annually.
But insight alone isn’t enough. Drawing from the financial skills he gained in the simulation, the student crafted a solid business case with clear financial calculations. He took it to the finance team, who greenlit the plan immediately — and the company saw the anticipated savings.
What Happened?
Insight: Recognizing cost-saving opportunities
Action: Using financial acumen to make a compelling business case
Result: $4 million in annual savings
→ Using ‘finance’ to make the business case is a Better Business Decision
→ Cost savings of USD 4 Million is a Better Business Result
How will this program affect your relationship with others?
"Greater sympathy to the financial team and challenges in balancing the books."