Partner since

  • 2002

Regions covered

  • The Netherlands

Languages spoken

  • English
  • Dutch

Focus areas

  • Large corporations
  • Agricultural sector

We are the School for Non-Financials. Our mission is that all decision makers working in the Netherlands or for Dutch companies take smart financial decisions and feel comfortable about how their decisions impact the financial future of their organization.

You probably make decisions with financial impact every single day. Some are simple, others are more complex. Some of your decisions will be so routine that you make them without giving them much thought. But difficult or challenging financial decisions demand more consideration. These are the sort of decisions that involve uncertainty, complexity, high-risk consequences and various alternatives. Many of the facts may be unkown, there may be various alternatives and the impact ofthe decision may be significant.

Financial decisions can fail because the best alternatives are not clear at the outset, or key factors are not considered as part of the decision making. We find that a lot of decision makers, at all levels, do not understand well enough or do not feel comfortable about how their decisions impact the financial future of the organization.

To achieve our mission we create powerful experiences to improve the quality of your financial decisions and to achieve consistently good results. Income|Outcome business simulation workshops have proven to be highly effective and help you make the connection between your every day decisions and bottom line results.

About the Key Contact

Jennifer Kuiper

In her roles as business controller, CFO, consultant, leader of corporate Finance Academies and part-time teacher at Nyenrode business school (Executive Finance & Control) she created powerful experiences for decision makers at all levels to develop their backbone understanding of finance and how to make informed decisions about the future of their organization, unit or circle. She was teacher of the year in 2011, 2015 and 2016 at Nyenrode Business University. Jennifer holds a post-master in Finance and Masters in Business Management & Strategy and in Learning Sciences.