Happy New Year! Andromeda had a record year in 2013, with the highest number of workshops taught, and unprecedented reporting of hard financial benefits from Income/Outcome by our clients. We hope to provide even stronger benefits to our clients in 2014.
Because so many of our clients now want us to run identical workshops on different continents for them, we are constantly working to ensure that all our employees and contractors operate with best practices, wherever they are. We run an “Income/Outcome University” periodically in different locations – and the next one is coming up in Singapore in a couple of weeks.
In addition to having Distributors from across the region, from Japan to New Zealand to Kenya, we will host an Open Day for our clients and other interested people on 20th February at the Swissotel Merchant Court.
Are you in Singapore? Why not come! And if you aren’t, but you know someone local who might be interested in experiencing a bit of Income/Outcome, discussing learning needs and meeting us and our regional facilitators, please forward them this invitation.
We will provide an experience of the simulation, and lunch, and there will be a Keynote Presentation by Micron Technology’s Lee Kok Choy, Country Head for Singapore, on the need for business acumen and the role of Income/Outcome in providing it.
There is no charge, of course. If you would like to come, just get in touch with me. Welcome to the Year of the Horse: energetic, bright, warm-hearted, intelligent and able. Let’s all live up to it!